Client name: MSI
Duration: February – April 2018
Location: Pakistan
The USAID office of Stabilization and Governance (OSG) was in the process of designing a new gender program. The design of the new program was based on various studies. In this connection, USAID asked MSI to conduct a study that assesses what impact Gender Equity Program (GEP), which ended in August 2017, has had in changing attitudes and behaviors towards gender equity.
Data collection for the study included a household perception survey that assesses attitudes and behaviors about gender equality. By comparing the responses to those from a baseline survey conducted in 2012, the analysis determined whether attitudes and behaviors have changed in the five years between the surveys. To explore factors influencing perceptions and attitudes about gender equality, the survey also collected data on demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of respondents including gender, geography, income, exposure to GEP programming, and other factors.
Under the survey, team targeted a total of 6,048 households in the targeted 28 districts of Pakistan. The survey exercise also focused on demographic and socio economic characteristics of respondents like gender, geography, income, exposure to GEP program.