Baseline study of Community Resilience Activity project in targeted communities

Client name: USAID

Duration: October – December 2018

Location: Multan, Karachi


GEMMO team in cooperation with Conflict Management Consulting (CMC) conducted a baseline study on tolerance levels in targeted communities in the context of the USAID-funded Community Resilience Activity project. The study was conducted in four union councils in Multan i.e Jhoke Wains, Inayat Pur Mahota, 18-MR and Makhdoom Rasheed (Punjab) and four union councils in Karachi (Sindh). The data will serve as a baseline for CRA’s management to compare against at the end of the project. Under the project, 900 respon

Beneficiary feedback study for CSSF funded FATA Transition and Recovery Program

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Client name: DFID 

Duration: February – April 2019

Location: Tribal Districts North Waziristan, South Waziristan, Khyber, Kurram and Orakzai 


GEMMO team conducted a beneficiary feedback study for UK Department of International Development (DfID) through the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) funded FATA Transition and Recovery Program (FTRP) in five agencies of former FATA i.e North Waziristan, South Waziristan, Khyber, Kurram and Orakzai Agency. Under the intervention, GEMMO team conducted a total of 3,000 household interviews with the communities where the development schemes were implemented.

Pakistan Transition Initiative Final Evaluation


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Client name: MSI 

Duration: September 2018 – March 2019

Location: KP and Tribal Districts 


GEMMO conducted final performance evaluation of the Pakistan Transition Initiative program for MSI in Tribal Districts and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). The program supported the Government of Pakistan (GoP) by means of small and short term grants to improve infrastructure and service delivery in the education, health and economic growth sectors. Over its 11- year history, the program implemented over 3,000 infrastructure and non-infrastructure activities.

GEMMO undertook final evaluation of the program to (a) assess the extent to which the program successfully achieved its primary objectives, (b) identify which program components were most successful to achieving those objectives, and (c) document how the program objectives contributed to longer-term engagement between the GoP and communities.

The evaluation used a mixed-methods approach for data collection and analysis. The assignment had two main components:

  • Group Discussion: 33 group discussions with 33 communities
  • Household Survey: a representative random survey of 4,194 households located in the 233 identified communities / places in 23 identified tribal districts and KP. Approximately 66.7 percent (2,796) of the sample were men and approx. 33.4 percent (1,398) women.

GPPS Household end line Survey Pakistan


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Client name: MSI 

Duration: February – April 2018

Location: Pakistan


The USAID office of Stabilization and Governance (OSG) was in the process of designing a new gender program. The design of the new program was based on various studies. In this connection, USAID asked MSI to conduct a study that assesses what impact Gender Equity Program (GEP), which ended in August 2017, has had in changing attitudes and behaviors towards gender equity.

Data collection for the study included a household perception survey that assesses attitudes and behaviors about gender equality. By comparing the responses to those from a baseline survey conducted in 2012, the analysis  determined whether attitudes and behaviors have changed in the five years between the surveys. To explore factors influencing perceptions and attitudes about gender equality, the survey also collected data on demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of respondents including gender, geography, income, exposure to GEP programming, and other factors.
Under the survey, team targeted a total of 6,048 households in the targeted 28 districts of Pakistan. The survey exercise also focused on demographic and socio economic characteristics of respondents like gender, geography, income, exposure to GEP program.

Early Grade Reading Assessment-EGRA Midline Survey ICT

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Client name: MSI 

Duration: April – May 2017

Location: Islamabad


The Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) is a school based survey to support the long-term measurement of improved reading skills as a direct result of the USAID/Pakistan Reading Project (PRP) and Sindh Reading Program (SRP). This assignment covered the midline school-based survey to support the assessment of the USAID.

In addition to working in target schools, the midline assessment also included intervention schools to measure long-term impact of the PRP. The Baseline Reading Assessment focused on a representative sample of schools targeted by the PRP and Sindh Reading Program. The reading assessment aimed to target students in grade 3 and grade 5.

Early Grade Reading Assessment-EGRA Midline Survey FATA

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Client name: MSI 

Duration: September – October 2017

Location: FATA


The Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) is a school based survey to support the long-term measurement of improved reading skills as a direct result of the USAID/Pakistan Reading Project (PRP) and Sindh Reading Program (SRP). This assignment covered the midline school-based survey to support the assessment of the USAID.

In addition to working in target schools, the midline assessment also included intervention schools to measure long-term impact of the PRP. The Baseline Reading Assessment focused on a representative sample of schools targeted by the PRP and Sindh Reading Program. The reading assessment targeted students in grade 3 and grade 5.

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