Population Profiling Verification and Response (PPVR)

Client name: UNHCR

Duration: September 2010 – December 2011

Location: KP, Punjab, Baluchistan, Sindh and Islamabad


Due to its vast outreach and resources – both human and material – GEMMO team in 2010 was awarded a huge project on Population Profiling, Verification and Response (PPVR) of Afghan refugees in Pakistan. The project had been funded by UNHCR. The PPVR was a broad household survey based on sampling of a significant number of households. The project target in the pilot phase was to survey 15,000 households in 2010 followed by roll out phase of surveying 120,000 households in 2011. GEMMO team achieved its targets within the stipulated time with the help of 990 staff stationed at 13 offices located across the country. GEMMO team submitted draft report to UNHCR. The results of the survey supported the Strategy of the Government of Pakistan for the Afghan population by profiling individuals and communities and verifying information obtained from the re-issuing of POR Cards. The survey also assisted UNHCR in identifying the most urgent and evidence based protection and assistance needs and opportunities that will help Afghans access their basic rights to services. It also provided information to humanitarian and development actors in Pakistan to assist them with their project development for Afghan hosting communities and to support the strategy development for re-integration of the Afghan returnee population.

Validation of Civilian Victims support Program

Client name: IRD

Duration: November 2012 – February 2015

Location: KP, FATA


GEMMO team was responsible for implementing third party validation and independent verification of support provided by the Civilian Victims Support Program (CVSP) in KP and FATA. The Goal of the Civilian Victim’s Support Program (CVSP) was to provide more equitable and transparent assistance for civilian victims of conflict related violence. Grants were tailored to address the medical, psycho-social, livelihood and long-term support needs of civilian victims.

CVSP coordinated implementation directly with the FATA Secretariat, the KP provincial line ministries, particularly the Department of Social Welfare and Women’s Development (SWWD), and others responsible for delivering basic services. GEMMO CVSP team used to visit victims and beneficiaries availing medical and technical training assistance in different areas at nominated medical treatment and vocational training centers in target districts and filled out prescribed monitoring forms for onward submission to the donor. For the purpose of registering complaints/concerns, a toll free helpline had also been established where beneficiaries registered complaints.

Baseline study of Community Resilience Activity project in targeted communities

Client name: USAID

Duration: October – December 2018

Location: Multan, Karachi


GEMMO team in cooperation with Conflict Management Consulting (CMC) conducted a baseline study on tolerance levels in targeted communities in the context of the USAID-funded Community Resilience Activity project. The study was conducted in four union councils in Multan i.e Jhoke Wains, Inayat Pur Mahota, 18-MR and Makhdoom Rasheed (Punjab) and four union councils in Karachi (Sindh). The data will serve as a baseline for CRA’s management to compare against at the end of the project. Under the project, 900 respon

Annual Report 2017

Annual Report 2017

GPPS Household end line Survey Pakistan


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Client name: MSI 

Duration: February – April 2018

Location: Pakistan


The USAID office of Stabilization and Governance (OSG) was in the process of designing a new gender program. The design of the new program was based on various studies. In this connection, USAID asked MSI to conduct a study that assesses what impact Gender Equity Program (GEP), which ended in August 2017, has had in changing attitudes and behaviors towards gender equity.

Data collection for the study included a household perception survey that assesses attitudes and behaviors about gender equality. By comparing the responses to those from a baseline survey conducted in 2012, the analysis  determined whether attitudes and behaviors have changed in the five years between the surveys. To explore factors influencing perceptions and attitudes about gender equality, the survey also collected data on demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of respondents including gender, geography, income, exposure to GEP programming, and other factors.
Under the survey, team targeted a total of 6,048 households in the targeted 28 districts of Pakistan. The survey exercise also focused on demographic and socio economic characteristics of respondents like gender, geography, income, exposure to GEP program.

Early Grade Reading Assessment-EGRA Midline Survey ICT

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Client name: MSI 

Duration: April – May 2017

Location: Islamabad


The Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) is a school based survey to support the long-term measurement of improved reading skills as a direct result of the USAID/Pakistan Reading Project (PRP) and Sindh Reading Program (SRP). This assignment covered the midline school-based survey to support the assessment of the USAID.

In addition to working in target schools, the midline assessment also included intervention schools to measure long-term impact of the PRP. The Baseline Reading Assessment focused on a representative sample of schools targeted by the PRP and Sindh Reading Program. The reading assessment aimed to target students in grade 3 and grade 5.

Early Grade Reading Assessment-EGRA Midline Survey ICT

Client name: MSI 

Duration: April – May 2017

Location: Islamabad


The Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) is a school based survey to support the long-term measurement of improved reading skills as a direct result of the USAID/Pakistan Reading Project (PRP) and Sindh Reading Program (SRP). This assignment covers the midline school-based survey to support the assessment of the USAID.

In addition to working in target schools, the midline assessment also includes intervention schools to measure long-term impact of the PRP. The Baseline Reading Assessment focused on a representative sample of schools targeted by the PRP and Sindh Reading Program. The reading assessment targeted students in grade 3 and grade 5.



GEMMO team carried out data collection in the selected territories of Islamabad due to its strong presence in the areas and its rich experience in the realm of survey and research. A multi-tiered tracking system was put in place to ensure data quality, consistency and completeness.

Early Grade Reading Assessment-EGRA Midline Survey FATA

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Client name: MSI 

Duration: September – October 2017

Location: FATA


The Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) is a school based survey to support the long-term measurement of improved reading skills as a direct result of the USAID/Pakistan Reading Project (PRP) and Sindh Reading Program (SRP). This assignment covered the midline school-based survey to support the assessment of the USAID.

In addition to working in target schools, the midline assessment also included intervention schools to measure long-term impact of the PRP. The Baseline Reading Assessment focused on a representative sample of schools targeted by the PRP and Sindh Reading Program. The reading assessment targeted students in grade 3 and grade 5.

Community Oriented Primary Education (COPE) project

Client name: UNHCR

Duration: January 1990 – August 2016

Location: KP


GEMMO team, under the banner of BEFARe, implemented the Community Oriented Primary Education (COPE) project in conflict affected areas of Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa from 1990 till 2016. The project was supported by UNHCR and was recognized as one of the largest refugee education project worldwide with up to a maximum enrolment of 123,000 children from Grade 1 to 8 through 320 schools in 15 districts of KP province. These schools were spread all over the Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa province that also included the conflict affected areas of Malakand division. As part of the project, GEMMO team implemented components of EGRA in its schools where assessments of reading skills of students in English language started from as early as grade 1 and students were assessed on monthly and biannual basis. These assessments were done on different levels. Students were evaluated for word recognition, familiar and non familiar words. Students were also graded for the number of correct words in a specific time frame along with its fluency at different grade levels.

At lower level, the students were assessed for direction of writing in the alphabetical systems. Knowledge of words and sounds was also taught in grade 1 and 2 with the help of syllables and GEMMO team designed course books, flashcards, workbooks, blackboards etc. Similarly, 50% of the class time for languages was dedicated to reading specifically. Passage reading was another form of assessment used at GEMMO team administered schools which was used to evaluate the reading fluency of the students. Similarly, great emphasis was laid on oral comprehension where students were given a set of questions which they had to answer in response to the passage read by them. The number of incorrect answers showed how much a student lagged behind in his/her reading and understanding of the concepts. GEMMO team also encouraged its students to use libraries set up in the schools as reading non-course books is a great way to improve reading skills. The implementation of all these instruments was possible with the help of teachers who underwent consistent trainings throughout the project lifecycle. The teachers were also provided on-job training by the field education supervisors and master trainers who observed their teaching methodologies regularly. In case of any deficiency, the teachers were provided guidance for further improvement. GEMMO team also developed materials on peace education, conflict resolution and gender equity and integrations of these themes in to formal and non-formal education. As part of the project, over 3,000 teachers were also capacitated in the form of teacher trainings. In brief, a comprehensive education project was successfully implemented by GEMMO team across KP province whereby more than one million students were educated during the project life cycle.

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