Client name: UNHCR
Duration: September 2010 – December 2011
Location: KP, Punjab, Baluchistan, Sindh and Islamabad
Due to its vast outreach and resources – both human and material – GEMMO team in 2010 was awarded a huge project on Population Profiling, Verification and Response (PPVR) of Afghan refugees in Pakistan. The project had been funded by UNHCR. The PPVR was a broad household survey based on sampling of a significant number of households. The project target in the pilot phase was to survey 15,000 households in 2010 followed by roll out phase of surveying 120,000 households in 2011. GEMMO team achieved its targets within the stipulated time with the help of 990 staff stationed at 13 offices located across the country. GEMMO team submitted draft report to UNHCR. The results of the survey supported the Strategy of the Government of Pakistan for the Afghan population by profiling individuals and communities and verifying information obtained from the re-issuing of POR Cards. The survey also assisted UNHCR in identifying the most urgent and evidence based protection and assistance needs and opportunities that will help Afghans access their basic rights to services. It also provided information to humanitarian and development actors in Pakistan to assist them with their project development for Afghan hosting communities and to support the strategy development for re-integration of the Afghan returnee population.